Tender Notice
ealed Competitive Tenders are invited or supply of the following materials to our factory at Nadukkara.
- Pet Bottles 180 ml HF : 320,000 Nos
- Shrinkable PVC Sleeves and Cylinders 180 ml Hotfil RTS: 600,000
Last date for submission:29.04.2023, 1 pm. Tenders will be opened at 2 pm on the same day.
Tender should be sent by post or submitted by hand so as to reach this office by 1 PM on or before due date.
For details Ph: +914852989095 , 9074006939 ( Click to call )
Email : vafpclpurchase@gmail.com
Download the documents
Tender Notice Tender Form : PET Bottles Tender Form: PVC Sleeves & Cylinders